Sabtu, 05 Maret 2022

Keruntuhan Khilafah?

Tulisan berikut ini hanya opini pribadi saja, tidak bermaksud mendiskreditkan pihak manapun dengan maksud apapun.

Objetivitas Sejarah

Sejarah, mengenai apapun, ditulis oleh pihak pemenang. Apapun yang ditulis oleh pihak yang kalah, tidak akan terpublikasikan. Subjektivitas sebuah sejarah adalah sangat besar. 

Sebagai perbandingan, kita lihat pada setiap sidang skripsi mahasiswa. Sebuah skripsi harus mencantumkan refensi yang dapat dipertanggungjawabkan, sebanyak mungkin referensi. Dan kemudian seluruh hasil skripsi ini pun harus diujikan dihadapan orang-orang yang memang dianggap kompeten di bidang topik skripsi tersebut. Artinya, saat skripsi ini kemudian dipublikasikan, hasil karya seorang mahasiswa ini objektivitasnya sudah teruji.

Perbandingan lainnya, yaitu mengenai periwayatan hadits Nabi. Hadits adalah semua perkataan dan perbuatan Nabi yang dilakukan setelah turun wahyu. Perkataan dan perbuatan Nabi ini diingat dan disaksikan oleh beberapa orang sahabat yang kebetulan hadir di momen itu. Dan kemudian diceritakan oleh masing-masing orang itu ke orang-orang berikutnya, dan berikutnya, dan berikutnya, hingga sampai kepada orang yang kemudian menuliskannya. Para periwayat hadits ini pun juga meneliti siapa saja yang menceritakannya, hingga sampai kepada Nabi. Apabila diketahui salah seorang penceritanya diketahui memiliki akhlak buruk, maka hadits yang diceritakannya tidak bisa digunakan.

Saya pernah mendengar, suatu hadits tidak bisa digunakan karena seorang penceritanya diketahui pernah memukul kuda nya. Kemudian hadits yang lain juga tidak bisa digunakan hanya karena seorang penceritanya pernah berbohong pada ayamnya, dengan menggerakkan jari-jarinya seolah hendak memberikan makanan, padahal tidak.

Jadi bagi saya, sejarah yang sangat tinggi objektivitasnya adalah hadits Nabi saw. Karena hadits merupakan satu dari dua hukum Islam, sehingga sangat layak dijadikan acuan dalam menjalani hidup ini. Persoalannya hanya apakah kita mau mempelajari dan mengamalkannya atau tidak. Hal ini menjadi pilihan masing-masing individu.

Menganai Sejarah Khilafah

Mengenai khilafah, saat ini sudah menjadi sejarah. Apakah kita wajib mempelajarinya?

Dengan tidak mengesampingkan pembelajaran mengenai pemahaman Quran dan hadits, sejarah khilafah harus diketahui. Apalagi memang sudah digariskan Islam akan berjaya sekali lagi sebelum dunia ini berakhir. Maka sangat penting mengetahui apa yang menyebabkan keruntuhan khilafah sebelum membangun yang baru.

Kebanyakan dari kita menganggap bahwa Mustafa Kemal Pasha, atau Attaturk adalah pengkhianat yang menyebabkan keruntuhan khilafah. Bagaimana kekhilafahan dihapuskan dan diganti dengan sebuah negara sekuler bernama Turki. Saya pun masih ingat bagaimana di buku pelajaran Sejarah di kurikulum tahun 1998, momen ini diberi judul 'Modernisasi Turki'.

Seperti yang sudah disampaikan di atas, ini bukanlah hadits yang sangat hati-hati dalam pencatatan (periwayatan) nya. Momen sejarah ini bukanlah momen yang terjadi dalam waktu 1 - 2 tahun, tapi ribuan tahun dengan area dunia. Siapakah yang sanggup mencatat apa yang terjadi dalam ribuan tahun dalam cakupan area seluruh dunia? Dalam skala kecil, apakah Anda sanggup mencatat apa yang terjadi dalam kurun waktu 24 jam, apa yang dilakukan oleh Anda, istri Anda, anak-anak Anda?

Maka dari itu, memahami apa yang terjadi sejarah ribuan tahun yang lalu memerlukan banyak sekali referensi dari berbagai sudut pandang.

Eropa mengalami era yang disebut Zaman Kegelapan, di saat Dunia Tengah mengalami apa yang disebut Zaman Keemasan, yaitu saat dinasti Abbasiyah. Yang tentu saja ini sebutan dari penguasa dinasti itu.

Dari beberapa sumber yang saya dapatkan, saya mendapati bahwa selain masa Khulafaur Rasyidin, tidak patut bagi seorang muslim untuk menjadikan masa atau penguasa saat itu sebagai acuan. Memang ada beberapa masa dan penguasa yang patut dijadikan pelajaran untuk beberapa episode kehidupannya. Namun tidak ada yang lebih baik untuk dijadikan acuan selain daripada kehidupan Nabi saw dan sahabatnya. Generasi tersebut adalah sebaik-baik generasi sepanjang kehidupan di bumi ini.

Mempelajari apa yang terjadi pada masa setelah Khulafaur Rasyidin pun memerlukan banyak kebijaksanaan dalam memahami apa yang terjadi. Dan dengan tidak mengasumsikan bahwa hal tersebut adalah 100% penerapan Islam, walaupun masa itu adalah masa keemasan Islam, dengan penguasaan sepertiga wilayah bumi. Apakah Islam mengajarkan membunuh seseorang untuk mendapatkan kekuasaan? Saya yakin tidak. Tapi apakah pada saat itu pembunuhan orang tersebut adalah sesuatu yang salah? Saya pun tidak bisa menghakimi.

Pada saat Perang Unta, yang diakhiri dengan Ali bin Abi Thalib ra berhadapan dengan 'Aisyah ra, dan korban sepuluh ribu muslim tewas. Saya tidak dalam kapasitas untuk menghakimi siapa yang salah antara menantu Nabi saw tercinta atau istri Nabi saw yang sangat dicintai beliau. Di titik ini sangat diperlukan kebijaksanaan untuk berhenti dan tidak memutuskan siapa salah dan siapa benar. Saya pun akan bingung apabila saya berada di sana pada saat itu, siapa yang akan saya bela.

Maka dari itu, saya pribadi tidak mengatakan bahwa Attaturk adalah pengkhianat yang membuat kekhilafahan itu dihapuskan. Mungkin secara teknis, dia memang melakukan hal itu. Tapi sangat mustahil bahwa satu orang Mustafa Kemal Pasha bisa meruntuhkan kekuasaan sepertiga bumi. Kemungkinannya hanya 2, kekhilafahan nya yang memang sudah sangat lemah, atau dia mendapat dukungan dari 2 per tiga sisa kekuasaan di bumi.

Dan kedua penyebab itulah yang terjadi.

Daripada mengenang Zaman keemasan dan membanggakan bagaimana Islam pernah menguasai sepertiga bumi, saya cenderung untuk tetap mempelajari kemungkinan pertama, mengapa kekhilafahan bisa melemah. Dan sampai saat ini pun muslim masih merasakan ketidakadilan di berbagai belahan bumi.

Bahwa itu adalah ujian dari Allah adalah urusan masing-masing personal, bagaimana mereka menghadapi ujian tersebut. Bahwa itu adalah karena manusia melanggar aturan Allah dan Nabi saw adalah sudah pasti.

Tapi perlu lebih detail lagi, apa yang salah, mengapa bisa salah, darimana acuan benar salahnya. Dan pertanyaan ini pun bukan untuk menghakimi, tapi bagaimana pertanyaan ini relevan untuk masing-masing pribadi.

Salah satu penyebab keruntuhan khilafah adalah nepotisme. Seperti yang dilakukan oleh Muawiyah di Dinasti Umayyah. Hal ini adalah salah. Zaman sekarang pun tetap salah. Kaidah bahwa kepemimpinan harus dipertanggungjawabkan kelak, dan pertanggungjawabannya lebih berat daripada yang dipimpin, seperti tidak diingat sama sekali. Kembalikan ke diri sendiri, apakah saya tidak akan melakukan demikian apabila saya ada di posisi itu, di waktu itu? Bagaimana saya bisa yakin? Bagaimana cara mencegah supaya tidak terjadi kondisi seperti itu?

Salah satu penyebab keruntuhan khilafah adalah korupsi. Seperti yang dilakukan oleh banyak penguasa. Kembalikan ke diri sendiri, apakah saya tidak akan melakukan demikian apabila saya ada di posisi itu, di waktu itu? Bagaimana saya bisa yakin? Bagaimana cara mencegah supaya tidak terjadi kondisi seperti itu? Tidakkah saya melakukan korupsi dalam kehidupan sehari-hari?

Penyebab lainnya adalah hutang. Bagaimana salah seorang pangeran mulai mengambil hutang yang disediakan oleh Prancis. Prancis melihat ini sebagai jalan masuk untuk mengalahkan kekhalifahan, setelah berbagai macam usaha yang sudah dilakukan. Dan hal ini terbukti ampuh. Dari hutang yang ditebus dengan akses. Dari akses kecil menjadi besar dan semakin membesar seiring dengan hutang yang tidak lain adalah riba.

Hutang ini menjadikan kerusakan yang sangat parah. Berbeda dengan yang terjadi pada masa khalifah Utsman bin Affan. Dimana pemerintahan Utsman memberikan hutang tanpa riba, untuk membeli tanah di daerah taklukan. Hal ini justru bisa menggerakkan perekonomian dengan sangat efektif, karena kaum muslim bisa menjadi sangat produktif.

Saya pun juga mengamati bagaimana sejarah Mehmet II, atau yang dikenal dengan Muhammad Al Fatih. Bahwa beliau adalah seseorang yang bisa memenuhi nubuat Nabi saw atas penaklukan Konstantinopel adalah tidak terbantahkan. Dan Romawi adalah kerajaan yang sudah di ambang siklusnya adalah faktual. Namun, detail dari kehidupan beliau, ada beberapa versi yang cukup membuat heran. Bagaimana beliau dididik untuk menjadi penguasa dan penakluk, tidak diceritakan beliau mempelajari Quran dan sunnah. Apakah menjadi penakluk lebih penting daripada Quran dan Sunnah? Bagaimana dalam serial Ottoman, para wanita nya tidak mengenakan jilbab dengan baik. Serial tersebut dibuat oleh pembuat film di Turki. Secara syariat, Sultan Mehmet II sebagai khalifah, akan harus bertanggungjawab apabila syariat tidak ditegakkan. Apabila faktanya tidak seperti itu, maka film ini menjadi fitnah atas Sultan Mehmet II. Apakah orang Turki tidak ada yang protes mengenai detail pahlawan Islam ini? Atau mereka menganggap tidak ada yang salah dengan ini?

Hal-hal seperti ini harus dilakukan secara seimbang. Apabila terus-menerus mempelajari bagaimana idealnya kehidupan di zaman Rasulullah, maka apabila ada kerusakan kita tidak akan menyadarinya. Bahkan mungkin kita sedang melakukan kerusakan, atas nama agama. Sebaliknya apabila terus-menerus mengkritik sejarah maupun zaman ini, maka kita tidak akan memperbaiki keadaan menuju idealnya kehidupan Islam.

Tidak Adakah Yang Menyadari?

Dari sekian ribu tahun yang sudah berlalu sejak zaman Nabi saw di tahun 700 an Masehi, bukan tidak ada beberapa momen yang berupaya mengembalikan Islam ke kehidupan. Salah satunya dilakukan oleh Ibnu Taimiyyah dan Abdul Wahhab. Yang sayangnya hal ini ditanggapi dengan berbagai sudut pandang, bahkan dari umat Islam sendiri. Beberapa bahkan dianggap ini adalah paham sesat dan dianggap bukan Islam. Apakah ini tanda bahwa umat ini tidak mengenal Islam dan Nabi saw?

Yang terjadi saat ini justru beberapa golongan membuat pemahaman sendiri dan menarik pengikut-pengikutnya masing-masing, dan membuat klaim bahwa merekalah satu-satunya golongan yang masuk surga. Tidak ada yang salah dengan kepercayaan seperti itu. Tapi bagi saya, kepercayaan buta, fanatisme tanpa ada pemikiran dan perunutan kembali pada Quran dan Sunnah, bukan Islam. Karena memang Islam sesederhana itu.

Beberapa saat yang lalu, dunia dihebohkan dengan kemunculan ISIS. Mereka membaca ayat Quran dan menggorok leher manusia, yang direkam kamera. Pada awalnya saya pun sangat bingung, mengapa orang bisa menghafal Quran kemudian membunuh manusia? Dan kemudian saya berkesimpulan bahwa mereka belum selesai mempelajari Quran dan Sunnah. Apalagi saya.

Dan saya pun mulai tergerak untuk mulai mempelajari Quran dan Sunnah. Beberapa paham yang saya temui saya anggap salah, karena mengharuskan setor sejumlah uang. Menyedihkan sekali Islam seperti ini. Paham lainnya malah mengharapkan donasi untuk keperluan dakwah. Zaman keemasan dari mana?

Saya pribadi pun berasumsi bahwa Islam yang benar adalah Islam yang membuat hati ini tenang. Hati keluarga tenang. Hati lingkungan tenang. Hati negeri tenang. Dan zaman keemasan adalah zaman dimana semua orang berhati tenang.

Dengan kondisi umat ini yang semakin jauh dari perkenalan nya dengan Islam dan Rasulullah saw, saya pun berpikir, pada saat nanti datang hari akhir, bagaimana seorang manusia bisa selamat dari fitnah Dajjal, dengan mengingkarinya. Dan bagaimana seorang manusia bisa membaiat Imam Mahdi sebagai pemimpin? Padahal sudah diberitakan oleh Nabi saw mengenai ciri-ciri detail fisik mereka?

Wallahu a'lam bisshawaab

Sabtu, 11 Juli 2020

Flashing Back

The last end year maybe my outstanding-ever-end year. Alhamdulillah I could go through it.

Above is my father and my mom, that finally came to Baitullah in 2017, for umrah.

It starts with my father, 66 years old, who were very seldom got sick actually. Just suddenly, in August 2018, he could not get pee. And went to IGD Roemani hospital Semarang with my mom. Doctor examined then instruct to do the action right away, to install cateter to get the urine out of the body. Then my father feels much better after it.

Then examination continued. Why the pee path was blocked. It is found that it was blocked by developed prosthate. It was cancer. Doctor said that it is very common case. It can be cured. My aunt and uncle came from Jakarta to support us.

This is me with my niece, when my sister visited our father

The developed prosthate then to be lifted. Next medication was by hormonal therapy. I am not really understand by this, but at that moment, no reference about the cancer stage, or how bad it is.

He was getting weaker and got fever in some times.

Due to there were only my father and my mom in Semarang; my family asked them to move to Jakarta. They will be able to support us better.

Then it was decided to move to Jakarta. I got the train ticket from Purwakarta with my 4 years old daughter. We got off at 10pm, arrived at Semarang at 5am. Then got off with my father and my mom at 6am, to Jakarta.

I still remember that after arrived at Gambir, when we got off from the train, my father is walking in front of us (as usual of him). We were waiting for taxi, since we arrived in the time of Jumatan. And my father is still able to stand waiting.

Then we went to Cempaka Putih.

As I remembered, we just go straight to RSI to get the reference letter, either to RSCM, or Dharmais. Then we continue to go to Cipayung and rest in my uncle's home. We still got room on the second floor. The tomorrow morning, I went home to Purwakarta alone, to get my wife and my son, my daugter was with my mom. I still managed to buy sate maranggi after arrived at Purwakarta, then bought 2 cup of Oiishi tea. I dumped 1 of them because of forgotten then. Then we go to Jakarta again with car. I think it was on saturday.

At monday, we go to Siloam MRCC to get some nuclear scanning or something. Then we were all knows that the cancer had been spreading.

I could not really understand what us going on, I just keep supporting my parents. I also could not help them in financial issue so much. I just keep visit them to Cipayung on the weekend.

Then with many helpful hands from my nephew, my father got registrated in RSCM, the best and the biggest government hospital in Indonesia. It is the last reference hospital of Indonesia. And it means the hospital will never be empty.

After that, my father have to control in 2 - 3 polyclinic in RSCM every week. And it means almost everyday they have to come to hospital. I still feeling grateful for every strength we have as a family at that time. The only obstacle only there were construction of elevated highway of Cikampek. Trip time between Purwakarta and Jakarta would span from 2 to 8 hours. If traffic jam happened, both highway or regular roads, stuck. It could happened in the morning, in the night, in the dawn.

Then my father is getting weaker. My aunt had remake the garage into room that my father can rest, so he does not need to go up and downstairs.

Some series chemotherapy to be undergone. If i am not mistaken, 8 times, every 3 weeks. But then it is only 7 times. The cancer just too strong to be defeated.

It goes worsening then. I just do not want to remember that tough time. I just remember that our family support is very solid. I just only can pray for them, may Allah reply their good deeds in very much barakah.
Then my father passed away in Awal Bros hospital in October 2019, friday noon, 1 pm. I will never know his misery in resist the pain. He still have hope of visit our newly house in Purwakarta. But he could not manage it.

Human are very much be reminded of how we will die for sure, anytime. So we are pushed to always prepare for the dead.

I pray that the hope of my father before he passed away, will not prevent of him visit his eternal home in Jannah.

I think it should be his last hope.


Then my mom still grieving afterwards. But she then managed to leave Cipayung to Semarang. My sister attend for her in Semarang in some month.

-doubt in this moment-

Then there were my niece, who will had her second marriage in Jakarta. My mom was planning to attend it.

Like the last scenario, I and my 5 year old daughter went to Semarang by train, then 1 hour later, back to Purwakarta with my Mom.

Some weeks before this, I had some strange health problem in my stomach. It was just like gastritis or GERD, but with fever. I still manage until i brought my family to Cipayung. I got fever again by the time we arrived at Cipayung. I went rest directly until maghrib. It was saturday.

When my aunt saw my stomach, she directly suggest me go to hospital, emergency, to get examined.
Still feeling unwell, but fever is gone. I drove myself to AwalBros hospital.

Hours after get examined, officially i was being hospitalized. For the first time in my life.

The tomorrow morning, i kept insist that my family just go to the wedding. Do not worry of me. It was sunday. No doctor ot further examination will be done.

And my nephew have me chilled by sending the photo of all of them in one car. I forgot that there are only 1 driver then.

Then I was diagnosed to suffer from peritonitis tuberculosis. I got 6 days in the hospital. One night in Cipayung then I still feeling unwell, and get hospitalized again for the next 8 days.

My wife and kids, and mom still in Cipayung. It was very boring i guess.

The day that finally i was released by the doctor, my mom get hospitalized, 1 floor above me. I then go upstair, and stay for the next 5 days. It was until new year 2020. Big floods everwhere.

Ow, I still could participate in our ITB Ultramarathon.

Then it comes corona virus in March 2020 that locks our down.

Really I still grateful for this sequentially unfortunate events. I can not imagine if that unfortunate events, happened in the same time.

And that is why we just have to be grateful of our current condition. It is very simple task.

Rabu, 27 November 2019

Which Best Education?

So I can say that I am the best product of conventional education. Started from conventional kindergarten, government elementary school, government junior high school, government senior high school, and ended up by graduated from Institute Technology Bandung - I assume this is the best university in Indonesia.

And I still hoping when my salary is transferred in the starting month. From that, I earn only my nuclear family.

Not to be defying the current condition, but I should have to do much more than this. There are many people need job, need help, need enlightment. And I suppose to give part of it, as much as I can.

So there should be something wrong with our education. There should be some parts is need to be taught, and some parts is not need to be taught.

Based on it, me and my wife decided for our daughter not to school at government school -although I myself have some hope in the new Education Minister, Nadiem Makarim. Our daughter school named Kuttab Al Fatih. They said, they copied the education system from the humanity best ever generation, which is Rasulullah saw and his sahabat (can i translate this as 'his best friends'?). And at that time we are kind of amazed, because we saw some of their student have good attitude, which we never saw before.

My wife, started and excited by their education, and still like that until now. While me, keeps questioning and searching. Because at that time, Rasulullah saw started at age 40 as prophet, and died at age 63. It is 23 years. That is included war between muslim and musyrik. It produced the best ever generation in humanity history.

(I had a peaceful and government standard education from age 5 to 22, which is 17 years, and still not resulting something significant for humanity.

Or should we have a war first?)

The strange thing about that school, although they said that they referred to that generation, actually they referred to generation after that. Regardless that the generation really after that is still the best, but there are things which is not copied from Rasulullah saw. And this is where my doubts came from. Because Rasulullah saw, never educate the children from age 5, with peaceful conditon, and Islam has perfected.

So my daughter school is not a warranty also, to be a really useful person. Maybe to see the result of the education will not happened in a generation -they excused.

Sabtu, 06 Juli 2019

Understanding to be a Moslem

How do I understand to be a Moslem is how do I care about myself, ONLY. How do I care about get 'points' as much as possible to prepare the afterlife.

The problem is, the afterlife is far more veeeery loong than the life itself. Meanwhile, the chance to get the points is only while I am alive, and no one knows when the life will ends. Tricky things to make me always being reminded of life may ends at any time, so no time to not getting the points.

I always make an example of I am on the way to, say, Disneyland. There will be tonnes of happiness, for, say, 3 days for free. But the road is got into heavy traffic jam. No one knows when the traffic is lasts. It can be 1 hour. Or it can be 6 hour.
And the road always have its signs. No taking emergency lanes. No overtaking. No honking maybe. Wearing seatbelt. Etc.

Because there are no other way, I have to go into that way, and I have to obey the whatever the signs tell me to.
And there are many junctions, and there are many fake road signs. Quran, can be said as the road map. It should be learned with expert, to get the real clue of true direction. If I succeed to obey, I will get into the Disneyland. If I am not succeed, I will NOT get into the tonnes of happiness, and get me nowhere.

So, the trick is how I maintain the belief of obeying the signs while I am in the road, will take me to the Disneyland.

And... that is not that easy... 😥

I am not always done what I have know, because I do not always believe some things. Believing some thing that is not proven yet is kind of hard. But I will get the reward, for ONLY what I believe. Even, I will get into heaven, ONLY with that believe.

And the heaven, is beyond my wildest imagination of whatever makes me happy. And it is for ever.

Only with believing.

After all, that is not that hard and will not be that bad, to be a Moslem.

I will not find the happiness if I looking for it in this life.
But happiness in this life will come after me if I try to be a good Moslem. And happiness in the afterlife. For bonus. Very out of mind bonus.

Understanding to be a Moslem

How do I understand to be a Moslem is how do I care about myself, ONLY. How do I care about get 'points' as much as possible to prepare the afterlife.

The problem is, the afterlife is far more veeeery loong than the life itself. Meanwhile, the chance to get the points is only while I am alive, and no one knows when the life will ends. Tricky things to make me always being reminded of life may ends at any time, so no time to not getting the points.

I always make an example of I am on the way to, say, Disneyland. There will be tonnes of happiness, for, say, 3 days for free. But the road is got into heavy traffic jam. No one knows when the traffic is lasts. It can be 1 hour. Or it can be 6 hour.
And the road always have its signs. No taking emergency lanes. No overtaking. No honking maybe. Wearing seatbelt. Etc.

Because there are no other way, I have to go into that way, and I have to obey the whatever the signs tell me to. If I succeed to obey, I will get into the Disneyland. If I am not succeed, I will NOT get into the tonnes of happiness.

So, the trick is how I maintain the belief of obeying the signs while I am in the road, will take me to the Disneyland.

And... that is not that easy... 😥

I am not always done what I have know, because I do not always believe some things. Believing some thing that is not proven yet is kind of hard. But I will get the reward, for ONLY what I believe. Even, I will get into heaven, ONLY with that believe.

And the heaven, is beyond my wildest imagination of whatever makes me happy. And it is for ever.

Only with believing.

After all, that is not that hard and will not be that bad, to be a Moslem.

I will not find the happiness if I looking for it in this life.
But happiness in this life will come after me if I try to be a good Moslem. And happiness in the afterlife. For bonus. Very out of mind bonus.

Jumat, 10 Mei 2019

Works for...

So I have made up my mind, about whom I have to work for?
For me or for other people? Should I have to own my business enterprise or should I join a running company?

First of all, work is one of ikhtiar. And as I know, ikhtiar is thing that I have to do, because it is a must. Quite simple. And it does not relate with the rizqi, that had been determined 50,000 years before the world is creates. And this is quite hard to be accepted sometimes. Because, that two statement conclude that I can do any kind of ikhtiar, and I will still get the rizqi that had determined for me. Literally anything. Practically......fills in the blank......

That is quite challenging for iman. My brother had resigned has jobs as an auditor in banks, and he had a fine life, really fine. Then he decided to resign of that ribawi jobs. And he open laundry home business and car buying & selling. Then his wife is starting to have growing cancer. And his life has start to downgraded, if I see. I won't judging and I just pray for him, and whatever our condition now, it must be the best condition that Allah determined for us. The Ar Rahman and Ar Rahim is deeply knows what we are needed in very accurate timing. That is challenging.

So, now I had joined in a running company (was) as mechanical engineer. That was qualified by my ITB education certificate. I have been working for around 10 years. I applied my knowledge of mechanical engineer about...3 months, for probation only. Since then, only administration, coordination, formal matter, and good communication. Good communication is tend to be having dinner with colleagues, playing tennis, having chit chat of how easy working at another departments, and another wasting-time activities. And I still get monthly payment, and bonus, and THR. And worker union is still have negotiation every year to increase salary -for our not very increasing performance-. While inflation is theoritetically happened because our activities of taking loan from banks, to have not really needed things. By syllogism, worker union is struggle for not really needed things. I wonder myself now.

But the thing is, I will not have my position now without my ITB education certificate. Also means that the company will not be running without my qualification. Or another person qualification. And that mean also there will be no worker union.
So, by joining the running company as qualified by education certificate, I will enable 1500 people to have their rizqi. And if that 1500 people is spend their money for not really needed things, I should not aware of it...sometimes.

Comparing to have my own business...which I do not have now, I imagined that it should starts from very bottom, of having nothing. Includes not having the education certificate. Of course, it will not produce anything. It will be very nothing for me, and my family, because I am their rizqi door. They have their own rizqi, but I am the door. And how long it takes to produce something, at least for my little family? 1 week, 1 month, 1 year,  10 years? How long it takes for me to open the rizqi door as wide as possible? I can not imagine, that I will have no time for 'good communication' as I have now. I will be the boss for me. There will be no one to yell at me of doing terrible mistakes. But there will be leaving customer, wishy washy customer, and other abstract customer. That is challenging.

I am not seeing why I have to leave this jobs now, in terms of having own business. While my wife is also not having the entrepreneur skills and mental. And alhamdulillah we can supports some of our family. I mean by visiting them, not financially supporting.

It is challenging that having own business will be more financially supporting for other family and not family. But do not forget that by working in running company, I also financially supporting another employees, although yet through company's hands...

Imagine if there is parallel world. Me joining the running company, and me having own business enterprise, in a same age.

I being employee:
I have salary 3 times gov standard salary. And I enable hundreds employees have standard salary, another hundreds have 2 times standard, another have 4, 5, 10 times, even more. It can sustains for at least 5 years further. It is warrantied I get some money more if I get fired or the company is bankrupt.

I have my own business:
I have 20 times standard earning, and I have my own employees of 20 people. A paid them on standard gov salary. No one warranty the sustainable.

So, it is challenging I said for now.

I think that no matter what choice I take, as I have it with faith to Allah, do what I have to do, not breaking any law, the result will be same. Some ustadz and ulama has define some rizqi door key. It does not depend on whether we as an employee or we as a boss (but customers is kings).

Minggu, 30 September 2018

How Mighty Allah Is

Referring to the previous earthquake in Palu, may Allah give His rahman and rahim to our brothers and sisters, which is 7.4 magnitude, there is some empirical formula to know how much energy is released.

log E=5.24+1.44M

I inputted 7.4 as M, and got 7.87X10^15 Joule. Can you imagine that enormous energy?

That earthquake cause tsunami, and kill more than 831 people until now and still rising. Inna lillahi wa inna ilaihi roojiun. One liter of water weigh one kilogram. The earthquake releasing the energy and causing the sea water to flow to the land. I really have no idea how much sea water was flowing into. And how that energy flow is generated in one blow. But I know for sure, who did that.

Ulama said that the death is coming suddenly. I think, it doesn't matter how we die. But it always matter what we have prepared for this sudden death. Tricky thing, we will never know the result of our preparation. We may have done all the good things in our life, and we think that we have well-prepared. Or we may have done all the bad things in our life, and we think we have no preparation. None of us know precisely the result. We will know after the chance is closed, and there is no turning way.

Let us have positive thinking. Allah did that, for the victim (Allahumaghfirlahu warhamhu wa'afihi wa'fuanhu) is indeed their ajjal, no matter they were good people, or bad people. I don't think that it is azab. For people who know that natural phenomena, is a reminder, that death will come to you anywhere anytime without prior notice. For me, which is still able to write this, is still having time to to taubat, making more preparation, in case of my previous preparation is missing. Who knows? And really, no one will ever have the power like that but Allah. So I am happy that I am worshiping the mightiest one, the rightest one. But this faith, unfortunately, coming up and down without any exact cause. One time you remember, other time you forget, and Allah gives an earthquake, and you remember again. There is no warranty tomorrow you still remember. Or still alive.

Once we have faith in Islam, do all the syariat, there will be peace in our life. And we are taught to be sure that we will harvesting all of our good deeds when we were in dunya. So, peace in dunya, happily ever after in akhirat, insya Allah.

And by the way, is there someone who has figured out what makes the tectonic plate moves? Are we able somehow, sometimes, somewhere, to extract that energy?
