Rabu, 16 Januari 2013

Reality Nowhere but Here

There are no single leave that fall without God's permission. What happens to us now, is exactly what God is want. I've got 4 years building of trust, peace, love, and hope. For...nothing. But really? nothing? What if i say, Allah let me built it, just to give me a lesson how to build it? I will have to build another one, with someone else, someone new. God...really...? Technically speaking (I always want to use this phrase by the way), with experience, i will be able to build it, much better than the previous. Not to mention with whom, but it should be better than the previous one. Simple logic. It is hard though, to watch my building is collapsing, corroding, deteriorating like that. But michael buble said: that's life. I am able, in fact, build the new one with some newbie. It is going to be much easier because i am the experienced.one. She will let me lead to build it. But is it much tiring? I will always to keep her behind me, dragging to work it. Or i will finish it as i could. You will get to know president when you are entering his circle. Then i met Titi, a deputy from a dreamland department. This meet will never happen if I was not enter her circle, if I was not out from my circle, if I was regretting my past. When others is such a friction coefficient titi is such a gasoline to burn my combustion engjne. The paradox, gasoline is need by everyone, so it will have a power to control which one is have the right to use it. Who am I to have it? Am I feasible enogh? Do I provide the most comfort ambient? Do my engjne is compatible with its calorific value to run with? I must.

Senin, 07 Januari 2013

Assertive or decissive? Which word?

Being assertive. Not really an interesting topic, but...it has succeed to keep my mind away from street when im on ride!! I hate being introvert anyway So. Being decisive is not a character. It is not about the skill too. Someone's speed to decide something is depend on: 1. His knowledge about what he's going to decide 2. His guts to do something he doesn't acknowledge of 3. His surrounding that pushes to make a decision 4. His partners that give material to make a decision So i'm very interesting of person who decide something in a speed of light. Whether he is veru capable of it, or he know nothing about it. It is not wise to push a person to decide something. It would be better if we can give him materials to make a decision. And it is not a clever way to keep doubt our mind. Yes or no. Take it or leave it. Be ready for the consequences. You must and must know the consequences. It is crucial. You have to collect data about the consequences would rise, and that is..takes time & skills. Turn the time back won't take it back. Because the universe doesn't work that way.

Selasa, 01 Januari 2013

Being realistic!

..a little bit? It really takes an amount of energy to be an idealist, or chasing our idealism. Idealism is a condition we feel the best for us. Sometimes we don't know where we are and how far we are from our best condition. Ideal for us can be real for other person. Actual condition for us can be different for other person. That sometimes be the problem's root. We can't match it, or we are not strong enough to state our own idealism. We claim other's idealism to be our idealism. If only we know our actual condition, we know our actual power, then we will be able to set our idealism which is real for us. It won't be stressful. So be brave to set our actual idealism. Never comparing with other's. We live our own life. Take over our own life.
