Selasa, 26 Mei 2009


Fire fighting is a highly skilled operation and most medium and large firms have properly trained teams who can contain the fire locally until the professional brigade arrives. The best way you can help is to learn the correct fire drill, both how to give the alarm and how to leave the building. It requires only one person to panic and run in the wrong direction to cause a disaster.
In an emergency never lose your head and panic.

Smoke is the main cause of panic. It spreads quickly through a building, reducing visibility and increasing the risk of falls down stairways. It causes choking and even death by asphyxiation. Smoke is less dense near the floor: as a last resort crawl. To reduce the spread of smoke and fire, keep fire doors closed at all times but never locked.
The plastic materials used in the finishes and furnishings of modern buildings give off highly toxic fumes. Therefore it is best to leave the building as quickly as possible and leave the fire fighting to the professionals who have breathing apparatus.
Saving human life is more important than saving property

about Solidarity Poreper

sebenarnya lambang ini adalah lambang anak mesin yang dipakai pada saat Yell boys
Lambang ini divisualisasikan denngan menggenggamkan tangan kemudian menyelipkan ibujari di antara jari tengah dan jari telunjuk
Sepintas memang terkesan ngawur, karena tangan seperti itu, you know..
Tapi itu berarti kita tidak open-minded. Karena langsung mengartikan seperti itu. Maka dari itu, anak mesin justru mengartikan sebagai simbol open mindedness.

Yah, solidarity forever berarti kita akan selalu bersama sampai selamanya
(teori doang)
Semua juga pinginnya selalu kompak, tapi ya keluarga juga buntut2nya yang menjadi ganjalan

Sekian dan terimakasih
